Hats Off, Hats On – Fredericksburg TX


About 70 miles north of our campground is the town of Fredericksburg. It is a beautiful and historical little town that was founded in 1846 and named after Prince Frederick of Prussia. The town is notable as the home of Texas German, a dialect spoken by the first generations of German settlers who initially refused to learn English.

The German influence is very evident in Fredericksburg. It shares many cultural characteristics with New Braunfels, which had been established by Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels the previous year.

The town is only a few blocks long, with shops and restaurants on both sides of the street. As we came to the center of town we saw Fredericksburg’s most iconic structure, the octagonal Vereins Kirche. It is a well-known landmark in the heart of town. It was built in 1847 by the original Germans who settled the area.

Vereins Kirche means “Society’s Church.” It served as a nondenominational church, school, town hall, and fort. It’s currently a museum and holds a collection of artifacts and photos depicting Fredericksburg’s interesting history. Admission is free.

For such a small town, there’s a lot to do here. The LBJ Ranch is just out of town. Fredericksburg is also the birthplace of Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz, and there is the National Museum of the Pacific War in town in his honor.

After buying me a hat at Johnny Lee’s Something for Men, we had a late lunch at the Fredericksburg Brewing Company, where Becky ordered a Scotch Egg with her beer. First time for everything.